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The ROI of Massage School

ROI means “Return on Investment”; it’s the time it takes to earn back any money spent trying to further your career. Understanding your personal numbers and budget can be very helpful in choosing a massage school, and will help you determine which continuing education classes are worth it for you.

  1. Understand how much you can expect to make as a Licensed Massage Therapist. This is the time to do some market research. Get on google and look at the massage businesses in the area you would like to work. Go on Indeed and see what types of jobs are out there and hiring, and about what salary they estimate (know that a lot of massage listings include tips in their estimated salary).

  2. The average pay nationally is $35/hr or $60k/yr

  3. Get honest about how much you need to make per month. List out your expenses, any income from other sources, and see what amount would pay your bills and then some. Building a savings is the way to grow and break the paycheck to paycheck cycle. Once you have your desired monthly income, you can also figure out how many massages you would need to do per month.

  4. Take your desired salary

  5. Divide by the average pay per massage

  6. This is your hands-on hours per month

  7. Full-Time for a massage therapist is around 25-35 hrs per week

  8. Find your ROI! If your numbers are feeling good, you can take that earned salary and divide it into the cost of your massage program. Now you have how long it will take you to pay off your school!

Why is this important? If your education can’t guarantee it will benefit you quickly, it’s very hard to walk that road in this world. Move forward in this life with intention and clarity.

-Lindsay ✨

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